Although small in stature for a book featuring high-quality illustrations, From Seashore to the Seafloor is a gem. And how could it not be? With an introduction by the esteemed science writer David Quammen, text by Janet Voight (curator for invertebrate zoology at the Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago), and illustrations by Peggy Macnamara (artist-in-residence at the Field Museum and associate professor at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago), this little book is, as they say, punching over its weight. Its overall design is beautiful and thought-provoking.

Reflecting the scientific experiences of Dr. Voight, an expert in mollusks who has taken eight dives in the deep-sea Alvin submersible, each chapter focuses on a different marine ecosystem. The text starts at the coast and works its way into the ocean depths, from the sandy and rocky shores, through kelp forests and coral reefs, past the midwater depths,...

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