In this article, a guide is presented to help biology teachers so that they can process the subject of the eye and eye defects with an interdisciplinary approach. The guide, which was created by considering the stages of a lesson plan, includes content information, suggestions, and various directions that can help the teacher at every stage. The presented content is arranged to guide students from time to time to remind them of some concepts and subjects they learned in physics lessons while processing the structure of the eye and eye defects. In this way, it is aimed that the students can perceive the information they learned in physics and biology lessons holistically and see the relationships and connections more easily. Thus, it is thought that this situation will also benefit their meaningful learning and the permanence of knowledge.
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September 2023
Research Article|
September 01 2023
An Eye for Physics: Exploring the Structure and Defects of the Eye Using Physics Principles
Dilek Sultan Acarlı
DILEK SULTAN ACARLI, Faculty of Education, Department of Mathematics and Science Education, Biology Education, Hacettepe University, Beytepe/Ankara 06800, Turkey.
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The American Biology Teacher (2023) 85 (7): 369–372.
Dilek Sultan Acarlı; An Eye for Physics: Exploring the Structure and Defects of the Eye Using Physics Principles. The American Biology Teacher 1 September 2023; 85 (7): 369–372. doi:
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