In The Search for Sasquatch, Laura Krantz takes us on a journey of discovery: listening to stories, examining evidence, and reaching a conclusion about the possible existence of a legendary cryptic organism known colloquially as “Bigfoot.” Krantz approaches this with an open mind – watching, listening, and participating in searches on the ground.
The opening story is a grabber: a group of nests in the woods. But when the only primate DNA found in materials in and around the nest is human, it is clear that these were not used (and probably not constructed) by a sasquatch. And a lack of any definitive anatomic or trace evidence that we see with all wild species (tracks, hairs, trails, feces, remains of food, etc.) adds up to a striking lack of evidence for the existence of these primates.
As someone who followed Grover Krantz’s cryptozoology work with interest in the 1970s...