Strange Sea Creatures explores unusual marine organisms from all over the world, organized for the reader by their depth below the surface. The photos in this book (taken from biologists’ and divers’ explorations) are stunning, and the contrast between organisms and the dark background allows the reader to focus on the small and intricate anatomical details of these exotic creatures. As stated in the introduction, many of the organisms pictured have yet to be fully characterized and studied, so the descriptive text is often sparse, but it highlights how incomplete our exploration of the marine world continues to be. Readers looking for detailed information about these organisms will need additional resources, but this book shines as a collection of biology-related artwork evoking curiosity and appreciation for the vast array of marine habitats and fauna.
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March 2023
Book Review|
March 01 2023
Strange Sea Creatures
Strange Sea Creatures
. By Erich Hoyt. 2020
. Firefly Books
. (ISBN 9780228102977). 112 pp. Hardcover, $24.95.
Julie Minbiole,
Columbia College Chicago, Department of Science and Mathematics, Chicago, Illinois
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Stephen Traphagen
Oak Park and River Forest High School, Oak Park, Illinois
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The American Biology Teacher (2023) 85 (3): 176.
Julie Minbiole, Stephen Traphagen; Strange Sea Creatures. The American Biology Teacher 1 March 2023; 85 (3): 176. doi:
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