The concept of solubility, and its relation to molecular structure, is important for understanding the properties of biological molecules in solution as they interact with the solvent and with each other. To demonstrate the relation between structure, solubility, and buffering capacity, we report a low-cost laboratory exercise using monosodium glutamate (MSG) as a model solute. Students observe how glutamate solution initially resists acidification and how glutamate solubility is first decreased and then restored with acidification. Students should interpret these observations relative to the structure of the solute. This exercise has been employed in introductory level courses for both biology majors and nonmajors and would also be appropriate for AP Biology.
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September 2022
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September 01 2022
A Low-Cost Exercise Relating Glutamate Solubility to pH & Buffering Capacity
Mark A. Schoenbeck,
Mark A. Schoenbeck
MARK SCHOENBECK ([email protected]) is an associate professors of biology in the Biology Department at the University of Nebraska, Omaha 68182.
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Claudia M. Rauter
Claudia M. Rauter
Claudia Rauter ([email protected]) is an associate professors of biology in the Biology Department at the University of Nebraska, Omaha 68182.
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The American Biology Teacher (2022) 84 (7): 422–425.
Mark A. Schoenbeck, Claudia M. Rauter; A Low-Cost Exercise Relating Glutamate Solubility to pH & Buffering Capacity. The American Biology Teacher 1 September 2022; 84 (7): 422–425. doi:
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