NGSS guidance indicates that a life science curriculum’s unit on evolution must include the concepts of geologic ages, endangered species, Anthropocene extinction, and biodiversity. Enrichment lessons and labs deepen student understanding of key standards. This lesson enriches students by presenting a real-world opportunity for species conservation. First, instructors ensure a common understanding of background knowledge among students. Second, levels of species endangerment are introduced and students participate in a “willingness to pay” lab involving a philatelic-based fund to protect endangered species. Third, predicted student donation amounts are compared to actual costs needed to conserve and manage species in the wild. Finally, summative reports communicate actual conservation needs by comparing and contrasting two endangered species.
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August 2021
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August 01 2021
“Real-World” Experience: Consequences of Anthropocene Extinctions & Biodiversity Declines
Joel I. Cohen,
Joel I. Cohen
JOEL I. COHEN ([email protected]) is a Life Science Teacher at Thomas W. Pyle Middle School, Rockville, MD 20817, and Director for Science, Research and Education Associates.
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Hailey Mark
Hailey Mark
HAILEY MARK ([email protected]) is a graduate of Thomas S. Wootton High School, Rockville, MD 20850.
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The American Biology Teacher (2021) 83 (6): 387–394.
Joel I. Cohen, Hailey Mark; “Real-World” Experience: Consequences of Anthropocene Extinctions & Biodiversity Declines. The American Biology Teacher 1 August 2021; 83 (6): 387–394. doi:
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