I was a high school science teacher for 25 years prior to moving to Oklahoma State University. While I did not begin my college career with the intent to become a science teacher, a career in teaching and preparing teachers certainly chose me. I always had a passion for science and the outdoors; actually, I envisioned pursuing a career in mountain lion research. But, when it came time to attend college, I selected a STEM career path from one of three that was talked about most by my teachers and school counselors: a veterinarian, a medical doctor, or an engineer. So, I entered college as a pre-veterinarian major, and I enrolled in courses that focused on the biological sciences. It was not until my college classmates and I started studying together for course exams that I discovered my passion for helping people with the scientific concepts covered in class. I...
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August 2021
August 01 2021
It Takes a Community to Recruit & Support High Quality Biology Teachers
Julie Angle
Julie Angle
NABT President
JULIE ANGLE ([email protected]) is an Associate Professor at Oklahoma State University, teaches secondary science methods courses, is the director of the State Science and Engineering Fair for Oklahoma, and is the 2021 NABT President.
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The American Biology Teacher (2021) 83 (6): 355.
Julie Angle; It Takes a Community to Recruit & Support High Quality Biology Teachers. The American Biology Teacher 1 August 2021; 83 (6): 355. doi: https://doi.org/10.1525/abt.2021.83.6.355
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