This book was selected as a special item for review for the holiday issue of our column, both because it is a beautifully rendered coloring book for cell biology and because it was created by a very talented 16-year-old high school student. The book itself is filled with stunning drawings of patterns and shapes of a wide variety of cells, making it useful in the classroom or for the science lover who also enjoys the calmness of coloring. In addition to the black and white pages, the author has included the full-color images of these cells that served as an inspiration for the coloring sheets, allowing for further discussion and exploration of the different cells and how we know what we do about cells. The reasonable cost of the book, the donation of a portion of the proceeds to STEM education, and the combination of science and leisure make it...
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November/December 2018
Book Review|
November 01 2018
Student Feature: Coloring Cell Biology
Cellfies: A Cell Biology Coloring Book
. By Hannah Sage Yoder. CreateSpace Independent Publishing
. (ISBN 1-722379-065). Soft Cover. $16.99.
Amanda Glaze
Amanda Glaze
1Georgia Southern University [email protected]
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The American Biology Teacher (2018) 80 (9): 689.
Amanda Glaze; Student Feature: Coloring Cell Biology. The American Biology Teacher 1 November 2018; 80 (9): 689. doi:
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