Given the importance of succinctly communicating complex information, proficiency in graphing is a central element of scientific literacy. Evidence indicates that learners of all ages and levels of expertise have difficulties in displaying and reading visual data. Numerous studies have investigated the enactment of various activities to improve graphing in the college science classroom, but most of this work has focused on graphing difficulties and the implications of general instructional strategies as part of a semester-long curriculum. Few studies have discussed how specific interventions can be implemented to effectively hone graphing abilities. We evaluated (1) five key instructional features of an inquiry-oriented stream-ecology unit that consisted of data collection and graphing and (2) the unit's impact on non–science majors' analytical skills. Comparing pretest and posttest data, as well as a supplemental questionnaire, student responses demonstrated substantial positive impacts on graphing skills and attitudes toward graphing. The results also highlighted features of the unit that were considered successful. Although we a describe a particular stream-ecology activity, the framework and design features we present can be applied to other case studies and across disciplines.
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January 2016
Research Article|
January 01 2016
Instructional Strategies to Develop Graphing Skills in the College Science Classroom
Joseph A. Harsh,
Joseph A. Harsh
2JOSEPH A. HARSH is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Biology, James Madison University, 951 Carrier Dr., MSC 7801, Harrisonburg, VA 22807; e-mail: [email protected].
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Mikaela Schmitt-Harsh
Mikaela Schmitt-Harsh
1MIKAELA SCHMITT-HARSH is an Assistant Professor in Interdisciplinary Liberal Studies, James Madison University, Maury Hall, MSC 1105, Harrisonburg, VA 22807; e-mail: [email protected].
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The American Biology Teacher (2016) 78 (1): 49–56.
Joseph A. Harsh, Mikaela Schmitt-Harsh; Instructional Strategies to Develop Graphing Skills in the College Science Classroom. The American Biology Teacher 1 January 2016; 78 (1): 49–56. doi:
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