Deer, Rabbit, and Dolphin are three books in a series marketed as a “new kind of animal history” in that they all begin with an in-depth look at the natural history, zoology, and taxonomy of each animal. Each book also cleverly folds in the cultural implications of the animal’s relationship with humans through the arts, religion, history, animal husbandry, hunting, and popular culture. Thorough yet engaging, each book is written by a different author, all experts in their fields. The series includes over 60 titles, with more to come. As an educator, I see the books in this series as filling a niche for students seeking very specific information about the natural or cultural history of an individual animal. Outside of that audience, the books may only speak to individuals who have a passion for specific organisms. This series is unique in how it connects each organism through...
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April 2015
Book Review|
April 01 2015
. By John Fletcher. 2014
. Reaktion Books
. (ISBN 9781780230887). 208 pp. Paperback. $19.95.Dolphin
. By Alan Rauch. 2014
. Reaktion Books
. (ISBN 9781780230894). 207 pp. Paperback. $19.95.Rabbit
. By Victoria Dickenson. 2014
. Reaktion Books
. (ISBN 9781780231815). 216 pp. Paperback. $19.95.
Sarah Durfee
Sarah Durfee
1Cascade Middle School, Bend, OR 97702 [email protected]
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The American Biology Teacher (2015) 77 (4): 301–302.
Sarah Durfee; Animals. The American Biology Teacher 1 April 2015; 77 (4): 301–302. doi:
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