In this new book, Marlene Zuk critically evaluates current topics related to the paleolithic lifestyle. The author elaborates on the discrepancies of the popular belief that we are meant to live as our ancestors did, addressing issues of love and family, diet and exercise, health and disease, all in the context of human evolution. She is author of several publications, including Sex on Six Legs: Lessons on Life, Love and Language from the Insect World, and Riddled with Life: Friendly Worms, Ladybug Sex, and the Parasites That Make Us Who We Are. According to Zuk, “to assume that we evolved until we reached a particular point and now we are unlikely to change for the rest of history…is to miss out on some of the most exciting developments in evolutionary biology.” She posits that evolution is not a straight line, and claiming that we were at our peak performance...
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April 2014
Book Review|
April 01 2014
Human Evolution
Paleofantasy: What Evolution Really Tells Us about Sex, Diet, and How We Live (First Edition)
. By Marlene Zuk. 2013
. W.W. Norton
. (ISBN 0393081370). 336 pp. Hardcover. $18.94.
Mic-Andre Constable
Mic-Andre Constable
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The American Biology Teacher (2014) 76 (4): 279–280.
Bernadette Connors, Mic-Andre Constable; Human Evolution. The American Biology Teacher 1 April 2014; 76 (4): 279–280. doi:
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