Imagine a heroin addict. This young man started heroin when he was 18, and took drugs for the next 10 years. He was caught by the police, arrested, convicted, and spent half a year in prison. While there, he went through withdrawal. Afterward, he began to feel better, gained weight, and felt like a new man. He decided he was through with drugs. When he was released from prison, he went back home. While approaching the same subway stop where he’d previously experienced heroin withdrawal symptoms (while trying to score more heroin), he began to sweat and gag. After getting off the subway, he vomited on the tracks. He alleviated these symptoms by injecting heroin. The next day, he experienced intense craving and withdrawal symptoms, and again relieved them by injecting heroin. This cycle repeated itself over the next days, and he was soon re-addicted (O’Brien, 1976). So,...

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