This year marks the 75th anniversary of the National Association of Biology Teachers (NABT) as an organization. NABT has been a leader in biology education in the past and will continue to be a leader in the future. NABT encourages and provides opportunities for educators to be EMPOWERED to provide the best possible biology education for their students. As we start 2013, biology content knowledge, learning theories, and technologies used in education are changing at an astonishing rate. At the same time, there is one aspect of biology education that has not changed: all students have maximum opportunities to learn when they have the best teachers. This applies across the board to public and private K–12, two-year, and four-year college students and educators. NABT provides educators at all levels opportunities to stay current, excited, and energized about teaching biology.

Since the mid-1990s, I have attended most of the NABT Conferences;...

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