What an exciting time to be teaching biology, ecology, or environmental sciences! It feels (to this bio teacher) like we are waking up after a long slumber to the realities and responsibilities of life on this planet. This fabulously entertaining, 55-minute DVD begins with a quote from the UN Food and Agricultural Organization: “Food is life, and more than half of food is thrown away, most of it before it even reaches the dinner table.” Food activism is part of that awakening.
A friend, unpacking my groceries, after pulling out a succession of packaged fish heads, shrink-wrapped beef marrow bones, and assorted cheese ends, remarked, “Are these groceries or your compost?” I take pride in composting, bread baking, yogurt and catfood making, but watching this DVD, I realized that my savings are but “a drop in the bucket” compared with the total amount of wasted, potentially consumable food on this...