Awesome Snake Science is an appropriate name for this book. Author Cindy Blobaum uses her love of snakes to introduce the world to the fun and exciting science that can be learned by using snakes as examples. As she explains the different aspects of snakes, such as their basic anatomy, adaptation, and how they defend themselves, she also provides fun and educational activities. These activities can range from creating a snake journal by writing down every place that you view a snake, whether it is on a flag or in the grass, to creating cardboard snakes with varying colors and patterns and scattering them in the grass. This allows the reader to analyze how snakes use their patterns as defense mechanisms. All of the activities have a clear purpose and lesson and achieve it in an interesting way. With each activity, Blobaum provides instructions and materials to make the activities...
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September 2012
Book Review|
September 01 2012
Awesome Snake Science! 40 Activities for Learning about Snakes
. By Cindy Blobaum. 2012
. Chicago Review Press
. (ISBN 9781569768075). 130 pp. Paperback. $14.95.
Andrea Redinger,
Andrea Redinger
biology teacher
Greensburg Salem High School, Greensburg, PA 15601 [email protected]
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Alexis Bevan
Alexis Bevan
future teacher
Greensburg Salem High School, Greensburg, PA 15601 [email protected]
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The American Biology Teacher (2012) 74 (7): 526.
Andrea Redinger, Alexis Bevan; Animals. The American Biology Teacher 1 September 2012; 74 (7): 526. doi:
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