Both for the expert readers of this journal and for the general public, the fascinating and, in many cases, little-known objects from far beyond the canonical heartland of medieval Europe featured in Crossroads: Travelling Through the Middle Ages, AD 300–1000 are not to be missed. I caught the exhibition at its opening venue at the Allard Pierson Museum in Amsterdam. It was on view at the Byzantine and Christian Museum in Athens until October, 2018 under the rather less neutral title “Byzantium and the Others in the First Millennium: An Empire of Stability in a Turbulent Era.” From Athens, it traveled to the LVR-LandesMuseum in Bonn and opened in November 2018 as “Europe on the Move: A Journey Through the Early Middle Ages.” Organized around themes of connectivity, diversity, and mobility, the exhibition features mostly small-scale objects in a wide variety of genres, materials, and styles, hailing from Ireland to...
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Spring 2019
Book Review|
March 01 2019
Review: “Crossroads. Travelling Through the Middle Ages, AD 300–1000,” Allard Pierson Museum, Amsterdam, the Netherlands (September 15, 2017–February 11, 2018); “Byzantium and the Others in the First Millennium: An Empire of Stability in a Turbulent Era,” the Byzantine and Christian Museum, Athens, Greece (May 18–October 10, 2018); “Europe on the Move: A Journey through the Early Middle Ages,” LVR-LandesMuseum, Bonn, Germany (November 15, 2018–May 12, 2019)
“Crossroads. Travelling Through the Middle Ages, AD 300–1000,” Allard Pierson Museum, Amsterdam, the Netherlands (September 15, 2017–February 11, 2018); “Byzantium and the Others in the First Millennium: An Empire of Stability in a Turbulent Era,” the Byzantine and Christian Museum, Athens, Greece (May 18–October 10, 2018); “Europe on the Move: A Journey through the Early Middle Ages,” LVR-LandesMuseum, Bonn, Germany (November 15, 2018–May 12, 2019). Exhibition Catalogue: Maria Bormpoudaki, Marieke van den Doel, Wim Hupperetz, Faidra Kalafati, Lindsay Morehouse, Lynda Mulvin, Michael Schmauder, eds.,
Crossroads. Travelling Through the Middle Ages, AD 300–1000
, Amsterdam
: WBooks/Allard Pierson Museum
, 2017
, 208 pages, many color illustrations. ISBN 9789462582248. $28.00
Elizabeth Marlowe
Elizabeth Marlowe
Colgate University
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Studies in Late Antiquity (2019) 3 (1): 120–124.
Elizabeth Marlowe; Review: “Crossroads. Travelling Through the Middle Ages, AD 300–1000,” Allard Pierson Museum, Amsterdam, the Netherlands (September 15, 2017–February 11, 2018); “Byzantium and the Others in the First Millennium: An Empire of Stability in a Turbulent Era,” the Byzantine and Christian Museum, Athens, Greece (May 18–October 10, 2018); “Europe on the Move: A Journey through the Early Middle Ages,” LVR-LandesMuseum, Bonn, Germany (November 15, 2018–May 12, 2019). Studies in Late Antiquity 1 March 2019; 3 (1): 120–124. doi:
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