The theme of the book is the historiographical debate on Late Antiquity and its periodization. There has definitely been a turn from Gibbon's categories of decline and fall to an emphasis on continuity and transformation in the study of the last centuries of the Roman Empire. The book is built on papers given at the 22nd International Congress of Historical science in Jinan, China in 2011, on the topic of “Late Antiquity in Contemporary Debate.” Rita Lizzi Testa, Professor of Roman History at the University of Perugia, and an author of numerous books and articles, is the editor. In her introduction she offers a rich and interesting survey of the research history and the problems of defining Late Antiquity. The book has two general themes. One is the definition of the age through periodizations or by methodological approaches. The other is to test the paradigm of transformation, not only...
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Spring 2018
Book Review|
March 01 2018
Review: Late Antiquity in Contemporary Debate, edited by Rita Lizzi Testa
Rita Lizzi Testa (ed.),
Late Antiquity in Contemporary Debate
. Cambridge
: Cambridge Scholars Publishing
, 2017
. xlix + 229 pp. ISBN 9781443843089. £52.99.
Ingvild Sælid Gilhus
Ingvild Sælid Gilhus
University of Bergen
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Studies in Late Antiquity (2018) 2 (1): 126–128.
Ingvild Sælid Gilhus; Review: Late Antiquity in Contemporary Debate, edited by Rita Lizzi Testa. Studies in Late Antiquity 1 March 2018; 2 (1): 126–128. doi:
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