The editors of this stimulating volume revisit the paradigm of late-antique decadence and decline in a fresh and unique way. Rather than revising the works of revisionists like Peter Brown, Marco Formisano and Therese Fuhrer explore the reception history of the paradigm in western culture. This collection of papers represents the first fruits of their labor. It also is the first volume in a new series, “The Library of the Other Antiquity,” which promotes the study of late antiquity from interdisciplinary approaches. Formisano's introduction states the goal of the volume and the series: “The perception of late antiquity as a decadent age, as wrong as it might have been, has been highly productive not only for the history of scholarship and ideas, but for literary imagination. Late antiquity has been for western civilization the period of decadence par excellence … late antique decadence, taking on the function of a paradigm...
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Spring 2017
Book Review|
February 01 2017
Review: Décadence: “Decline and Fall” or “Other Antiquity”?, edited by Marco Formisano, Therese Fuhrer, and Anna-Lena Stock
Marco Formisano and Therese Fuhrer, eds., with the assistance of Anna-Lena Stock,
Décadence: “Decline and Fall” or “Other Antiquity”?
Bibliothek der klassischen Altertumswissenschaften (n.F.) 2. Reihe 140. Heidelberg
: Universitätsverlag Winter
, 2014
. 348 pp. ISBN 9783825361624. €56,00.
Lorenzo DiTommaso
Lorenzo DiTommaso
Concordia University Montréal
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Studies in Late Antiquity (2017) 1 (1): 90–94.
Lorenzo DiTommaso; Review: Décadence: “Decline and Fall” or “Other Antiquity”?, edited by Marco Formisano, Therese Fuhrer, and Anna-Lena Stock. Studies in Late Antiquity 1 February 2017; 1 (1): 90–94. doi:
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